Time registration of payroll and project hours

Get a clear overview of hours spend on activities, projects or job codes.

For employees who need to register their time on activities, pay hours and projects.

BitaBIZ provides an overview to both the boss and your administration in real time with your time consumption. Employees get a user-friendly solution to register their working hours for project and / or payroll settlement.

project registration
project registration

Time registration of payroll and project hours

Get a clear overview of hours spend on activities, projects or job codes.

For employees who need to register their time on activities, pay hours and projects.

BitaBIZ provides an overview to both the boss and your administration in real time with your time consumption. Employees get a user-friendly solution to register their working hours for project and / or payroll settlement.

Create an overview of time consumption

Make it easy for your employees to record payroll and project hours.

For this you will get:

✓ Several methods for time registration of working hours

✓ Automatic administration of self-paid breaks

✓ Setting up job codes for payroll and project / activity time

✓ Statistics on pay hours and project hours

✓ Error-free settlement of pay hours (normal hours and supplements) for pay system

✓ Error-free settlement of project hours for project management

Registrations of project hours

With BitaBIZ, employees get an easy-to-use tool to register and manage their project hours.

Easy registration

Employees can easily register their project hours via the mobile app, through the web-portal or the Outlook add-in.

Clear overview

Get a clear overview of all your project registrations via the web-portal

Recurring project hours?

BitaBIZ allows employees to register fixed project hours in just one registrations.

project hours

Easy registration

Employees can easily register their project hours via the mobile app, through the web-portal or the Outlook add-in.

Clear overview

Get a clear overview of all your project registrations via the web-portal.

Recurring project hours?

BitaBIZ allows employees to register fixed project hours in just one registrations.

Break down your company project hours

Know which projects your company is spending the most hours on. Compare project and absence hours on a specific project.

Quick overview of project and absence hours.

Get a complete overview of absence and project hours for a specific employee, department or policy for a selected period.


Choose both different time period and which absence or project hour type you want to analyze.

work hours report

Quick overview of project and absence hours

Get a complete overview of your company project hours with the option to filter for a specific employee, department or policy for a selected period.


Choose both different time periods and which absence or project hour type you want to analyze.

Focus on working hours?

With BitaBIZ, both absence and working hours are analyzed in detail in your company.

HR statistics

Capacity | Projects | Overtime | The 48-hour rule | Time budget | Payroll hours | Absence hours

Easy to setup

Setting up your projects is simple and easy. Give the project a name, assign it to employee groups, and choose if the project is for payroll export or not.

Create a jobcode.

Create a jobcode for your new project registration.

Assign to departments.

Assign to specific department or make the jobcode available for every department.

Add to payroll export?

Choose if the jobcode should be added to payroll export or not.

project management

Create a jobcode

Create a jobcode for your new project registration.​

Add to payroll export?

Choose if the jobcode should be added to payroll export or not.

Assign to departments

Assign to specific department or make the jobcode available for every department.

Try BitaBIZ today

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